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The development prospect of automobile manufacturers in China

The development prospect of automobile manufacturers in China Automobile wire harness manufacturers started late in China, and the wire harness processing technology is not as sophisticated as foreign automobile wire harness manufacturers, so there is still a certain gap in the processing of automobile wire harness products. However, after more than ten years of development, the wire harness processing work has developed rapidly, and the wire harness processing work in China has a relatively high stability. In recent years, domestic new energy vehicles have been listed in the market, and automobile harness manufacturers have driven domestic demand in the aspect of automobile harness processing. In terms of domestic harness processing market, the focus of harness processing should be to improve the content of the whole harness in science and technology, improve the technical level of harness processing, and effectively end the high-end level of harness processing structure. In fact, these changes have brought great development to wire harness processing in China. 1、 Grasp and improve the upgrading of wire harness processing in China, and adjust the structure of domestic wire harness customized processing enterprises. 2、 Properly change the low-end and low profit products in China's wire harness customization work, and improve the production and production of advanced wire harness customization. 3、 The whole wiring harness processing work can be finished, and the main purpose is to stimulate domestic demand. Haozhi is committed to providing strong and competitive wiring harness for customers, including the design, production and testing services of automobile wiring harness, wiring harness processing, wiring harness factory, wiring harness processing factory, automobile wiring harness manufacturer and cable components. Products are widely used in new energy, mechanical equipment, special vehicles, automobile modification, industrial equipment, data communication, household electronics and other fields.

Types, failure modes and inspection methods of automobile wiring harness

Automobile harness is the main body of automobile circuit network, and there is no automobile circuit without wire harness. In the automobile harness, the most important component is the wire. The wires send current into and out of electrical components, most of which are copper. The size of the cross-section of the conductor used in the car determines the allowable current. Each circuit in the car has its own circuit number and each wire has its own color. The wires can be monochromatic or striped.

Which is the best technology of automobile wiring harness?

Which is the best technology of automobile wiring harness?   The second station after the line opening is the crimping process. According to the terminal type required by the drawing, confirm the crimping parameters, make the crimping operation instructions, and specify the special requirements on the process documents and train the operators. For example, some wires need to pass through the sheath before they can be crimped. It needs to pre install the wires first and then come back from the pre installation station before crimping. There are piercing crimping which uses special crimping tools. This kind of crimping method has outstanding electric touch function. Then there is the pre assembly process. First of all, the pre assembly process operation manual should be prepared. In order to improve the total assembly power, the pre assembly station should be set for the messy wiring harness. Whether the pre assembly process is reasonable or not directly affects the total installation power, and also reflects the technical level of a technologist. If the pre installed part is installed less or the installed wire path is unreasonable, it will increase the workload of the total installation personnel and slow down the speed of the assembly line, so the technicians should often stay on the site and constantly summarize. The final step for automobile wiring harness manufacturers is the final assembly process. Be able to compile the installation platform designed according to the product development part, design the standard dimensions of tooling equipment and material box, and paste the numbers of all installation sheaths and accessories on the material box to improve the installation power. Prepare the installation content and requirements of each station, balance the whole assembly station, prevent the situation of a little bit of excessive workload and slow down the whole assembly line speed. To achieve station balance, it is necessary for technologists to be familiar with each operation, calculate the working hours on site, and adjust the installation process at any time. Wire harness production is mainly divided into two methods: end pressing (crimping) and molding. No one is the best. It should be made according to the needs of the functional characteristics of wire harness.

Protection measures for ABS wiring harness

Protection measures for ABS wiring harness The maintenance needs of the harness are considered in the following aspects: first, the selection of the harness's own data; second, the maintenance of the wire contact in the harness; third, the maintenance of the hole terminal in the harness. The following Haozhi through these aspects to explain how to better maintain the harness. Selection of wiring harness data The wire harness is usually copper multi-core flexible wire, and there are also silver-plated wires. In many cases, a thin layer of high conductivity silver is plated on the surface of copper wire to improve the conductive function. The most important requirement is to select the appropriate wire diameter or cross-sectional area according to the maximum current of the wire. In addition to the wire diameter of the electronic wire, the environment and function of the harness should also be considered. For example, the working environment of the engine is harsh, and there are many corrosive gases and liquids in the high temperature environment. Therefore, the selection of wires needs high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, friction resistance and vibration resistance. The types of wires are complex, and each country has its own classification, key points and standards. In the production of ABS wire harness processing plant, the electronic wires are selected according to the detailed working environment and requirements of ABS wire harness. Maintenance of wire contact in wiring harness The maintenance needs of the harness are considered in the following aspects: first, the selection of the harness's own data; second, the maintenance of the wire contact in the harness; third, the maintenance of the hole terminal in the harness. The following Haozhi through these aspects to explain how to better maintain the harness. Selection of wiring harness data The wire harness is usually copper multi-core flexible wire, and there are also silver-plated wires. In many cases, a thin layer of high conductivity silver is plated on the surface of copper wire to improve the conductive function. The most important requirement is to select the appropriate wire diameter or cross-sectional area according to the maximum current of the wire. In addition to the wire diameter of the electronic wire, the environment and function of the harness should also be considered. For example, the working environment of the engine is harsh, and there are many corrosive gases and liquids in the high temperature environment. Therefore, the selection of wires needs high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, friction resistance and vibration resistance. The types of wires are complex, and each country has its own classification, key points and standards. In the production of ABS wire harness processing plant, the electronic wires are selected according to the detailed working environment and requirements of ABS wire harness.

What is the development prospect of generator harness Market and what kind of products is it

市(shì)場發展前景怎麽樣,它是什麽樣的(de)産品 如(rú)果說其時電子(zǐ)化以及信息化年(nián)代,展開比較快,并且商(shāng)場需求量不斷提升的(de)産品,信任發電機(jī)線束一(yī)定要位居其間。線束作為(wèi)一(yī)種熱銷的(de)産品,可(kě)以應用于許多地(dì)方,包括轎車、家電、通訊設備以及計算機(jī)、航空工作等等,尤其是近年(nián)來轎車工作的(de)飛(fēi)速展開,以及通訊商(shāng)場的(de)迅猛展開,包括鄉村不斷展開起來的(de)家電熱等等,都讓發電機(jī)線束商(shāng)場得到了一(yī)個十分好的(de)展開機(jī)會,這些熱點都支撐起當下國(guó)內(nèi)線束的(de)誇姣商(shāng)場展開遠景。 因為(wèi)許多工作的(de)展開都需求用到發電機(jī)線束,所以關于這種産品的(de)商(shāng)場需求量是不斷升高(gāo)的(de),這有(yǒu)助于推進線束加工設備的(de)展開。而關于發電機(jī)線束這種産品,商(shāng)場關于其質量以及出産功率的(de)要求越來越高(gāo),傳統的(de)一(yī)些廠家現已無法适應這種年(nián)代的(de)展開,而咱們(men)在收購發電機(jī)線束時,要選擇的(de)廠家一(yī)定是與時俱進并且質量和(hé)出産功率都到達用戶要求的(de)廠家。 現在發電機(jī)線束工作,現已十分快速往自(zì)動化、精細化以及高(gāo)速化不斷展開傍邊,在未來的(de)展開傍邊,發電機(jī)線束的(de)加工工業将會立異,以及廠家會進行(xíng)自(zì)主工業鏈建設,信任會給更多的(de)用戶帶來質量更好更優質的(de)産品,如(rú)果咱們(men)想購買發電機(jī)線束,可(kě)以考慮選擇在工作傍邊名氣較高(gāo),并且口碑比較好的(de)産品,不隻質量有(yǒu)保證,并且售後服務體系也是比較完善的(de),如(rú)果是大批量收購的(de)話,價格方面仍是有(yǒu)不少優惠政策的(de),詳細的(de)情況咱們(men)可(kě)以直接與廠家客服對接。

What is the processing flow of new energy electric vehicle harness?

Hello, with the development of economy, fuel vehicles have been widely used. New energy vehicles are being developed around the world, which is convenient to replace. Each car needs to control various accessories through electric vehicle harness. The following will be shared with the experience of personal automobile harness processing for many years, so that the majority of users can understand       1. Cut the wire, peel the insulation skin and press the terminal according to the applicable size 2. Terminal quality inspection, such as tension inspection, appearance inspection, etc, 3. Number tube 4. Assemble, assemble 5. After the assembly, after the test, the package can be assembled on the car
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